My Story
From as early as I can remember, I've been captivated by birth. In my mid-twenties, I had a spontaneous brain bleed in my cerebellum, which bled for over a week and resulted in a massive stroke/TBI. While still in a medically induced coma from the hemorrhage, my body threw several clots, resulting in a second massive stroke as well a pulmonary embolism. When I awoke from that coma, the entire left side of my body was completely paralyzed. I was told by family that my team of doctors hadn't expected me to have another birthday. The pain and grief of losing my independence and health at such a young age took years for me to emotionally conquer. In some ways, I continue to fight that battle. I can recall having almost complete awareness while I was sedated. Today, I am blessed to be able to say I've recovered physically to the point of walking with a cane, and while my left arm is still mostly paralyzed, I am confident that my disability will not hinder my ability to support you at all, and in fact makes me a better advocate for you to successfully achieve your desired birth plan, or the way you choose to pass from our world- in fact, getting birth partners involved in comfort measures I cannot physically perform is one of the best ways to get the whole family in tune with your birth journey. ***currently training for my Perinatal Nutrition Certification.*** I would love to chat more to get to know you and explain how I can help you in your pregnancy, labor, and beyond!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.